Terms and conditions of use
Last update: 9-04-2024
Achille.ai offers an online platform for professionals wishing to improve their customer relations and customer experience in the e-commerce sector. Our services are offered in SaaS (Software as a Service) mode. They are intended exclusively for professional use, for any person or entity engaged in a remunerated activity in various industrial or commercial sectors, including marketing, advertising, investment or software development.
1. Purpose / Document hierarchy
The present conditions define the use of the services offered by Achille.ai and described in article 2 below (hereinafter referred to as the "Services"). They also define the rights and obligations of the parties, in particular the users of the Services.
2. Services
The customer has access to the following services, under the conditions deemed most appropriate by Achille.ai. The main services offered are as follows:
Creation, updating and continuous improvement of a knowledge base to assist agents in handling incoming and outgoing customer service requests.
Integration of this knowledge base into the production tools used by the customer, via a dedicated Zendesk and/or Gorgias application, or another dedicated application.
Access to reporting on knowledge base usage and performance.
Achille.ai provides active, ongoing service management to detect and resolve any problems. Internal procedures and security policies have been put in place to guarantee optimum service quality, including security (infrastructure redundancy, multi-level alarm systems, etc.).
Each party may display, only after use, the partnership between Achille.ai and the customer on any medium, in particular by displaying the logo and text provided by the other party.
Any reports or materials provided by Achille.ai are for the customer's internal use only. The latter may share these reports with third parties for analysis purposes, subject to the confidentiality obligations imposed by the third parties not to include the information in the reports. Otherwise, the customer may not sell, rent, disclose or make public the reports without Achille AI's permission.
3. How to use
Achille AI connects the knowledge base to the customer's tools and interfaces. Achille AI supports the customer in configuring and upgrading his knowledge base.Achille AI delivers access to the customer's user administrators.The customer has the knowledge management interface and the knowledge consumption interface connected to his production tools, and can benefit from the services peacefully.
The customer must validate each step of the creation, modification and implementation of the knowledge base and assume sole responsibility for it. It is reminded that Achille AI acts only as the customer's agent in the execution of the knowledge base, which is the sole responsibility of the customer. Thus, any subsequent modification of the knowledge base, whether or not recommended by Achille AI, must be validated by the customer, who will then assume sole responsibility.
The content of messages is always under the editorial authority of the customer, who is solely responsible for it.
Achille AI is responsible for setting up the customer's account, and then provides them with their initial login details, which they can then modify as they see fit, and use to invite and create accounts for all the people involved in the services.
A license is associated with a user (a first name and surname), declared by the customer.
The customer is informed and accepts that the information provided when opening an account is presumed to establish his/her identity. The customer may access his or her Personal Area by logging on to the administrator interface and using his or her login and password. The customer agrees to use the services for personal purposes only, and agrees not to allow any third party to use them, unless he/she assumes all consequences thereof. Any use of the services using a customer's login and password will be conclusively deemed to have been made by the said customer. Likewise, the customer must keep his/her login and password secret. The customer must contact Achille.ai immediately if he/she becomes aware that his/her account has been used without his/her authorization. The customer acknowledges that Achille.ai may take any appropriate action, including suspension of the account/personal area.
Customers can add or remove licenses at any time from their administrator area.
5. Obligations
The customer undertakes, when using the services, to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as the guidelines of the platforms or referencing, and not to infringe public order or the rights of third parties. The customer is solely responsible for complying with any administrative, tax and/or social formalities required in connection with his or her use of the services. Achille.ai shall in no way be held liable in this respect.
The customer acknowledges having read the Achille.ai website and having understood the characteristics and limitations of the services, in particular their scope. The customer is solely responsible for their use.
The customer may not transfer, sub-license, delegate or assign all or part of its rights hereunder to a third party.
The customer undertakes to make reasonable use of the services. He/she will provide accurate, correct and adequate information and data. In the event that a service is mistakenly offered or implemented, or that the customer encounters malfunctions, the customer undertakes to contact Achille.ai to remedy the situation, by email to contact@achille.ai.
6. Liability
Achille AI shall only be liable for direct damages suffered by the customer and resulting from the customer's breach of its contractual obligations hereunder. Achille AI is not liable for indirect damages such as loss of sales, loss of opportunity, loss of data or profits, damage to image or loss of customers.
Achille AI's liability is limited to a total amount not exceeding the total amount of royalties actually received by Achille AI for the twelve (12) months preceding the event giving rise to liability.
The customer is solely responsible for the use he makes of the services, their adaptation to his needs and their suitability for the functionalities he is looking for. The customer is solely responsible for the content, information and data he or she communicates or disseminates when using the services.
7. Duration
These terms and conditions apply for the duration of the subscription to the service.
8. Termination
In the event of a breach by either party of any of its obligations under the present terms and conditions, not remedied within thirty (30) days of receipt of a formal notice from the other party by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, the present terms and conditions may be terminated ipso jure by the aggrieved party, without prejudice to any damages that may be claimed from the defaulting party.
Termination of these terms and conditions automatically entails cessation of the provision of services and the associated rights of access and use. However, articles 6, 7 and 8 of the present conditions shall remain in force after termination, whatever the cause.
9. Force majeure
Achille.ai shall not be held liable in the event of force majeure as defined in article 1218 of the French Civil Code.
10. Modifications
Achille.ai reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Changes will be notified to the customer by email at least thirty (30) days before they come into effect. Customers who do not accept the new terms and conditions must unsubscribe from the services in accordance with article 8 above.
11. Applicable law and jurisdiction
These terms and conditions are governed by French law.
In the event of a dispute concerning the interpretation, execution or validity of these terms and conditions, the parties agree to seek an amicable solution.
In the absence of an amicable solution within thirty (30) days of the occurrence of a dispute, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction to hear the dispute.